Thursday, May 31, 2012

WAYT: Kim's on notice

This column is so late to the Hate-Kim-Kardashian party, but it’s never too late to give an honest opinion.  Right?

Seriously, I want to hear from someone who isn’t sick of this fame whore.  Is there anyone out there?  But I also want to know, who even believes that she’s famous?  What has she done that is noteworthy?  Basically, she’s just like the other one percent of Americans with too much money and an overinflated sense of self and entitlement, except for some reason, she’s considered a celebrity. 

I used to respect Kim and even like her.  I used to think that she was a shrewd businesswoman, someone who found a way to get herself in the public eye and worked tirelessly to keep herself there.  But after she created that entire fiasco for Kris Humphries and left him in the smoking wreckage, I completely lost the respect that I had for her.  Now, I can’t even tolerate the sight of her. 

I love Khloe Kardashian.  She’s only marginally annoying and I believe that her life isn’t perfect because she never pretends that it is.  At least I feel like Khloe is always telling the truth.  Her show Khloe and Lamar shows her and her husband fighting over the things rich people fight about – how much of their money to give away to freeloading friends.  It’s a real revelation. 

But Kim?  She has tantrums over earrings lost in the ocean.  My son can’t throw a tantrum to rival Kim and her whining and crying, and he’s a year and a half.  You’d think he could compete but I promise you that he can’t.  Kim is always so overly made up and so overly dressed that her desperation is constantly in evidence.  And now this fling with Kanye?  If you liked her with Reggie Bush, you were on the right track.  If you felt sorry for Kris, you were dead right.  And if you truly hate her for dating Kanye, you are my best friend. 

(I must note, however, that I love Kanye’s music.  Full disclosure.)

Is there no low that she won’t sink to?  Suing Old Navy for hiring a model who resembled her?  Wow, get over yourself.  A clothing line at Sears?  I had no idea that Sears was worth shopping at unless you wanted a lawn mower.  And the things that I’ve heard were shown in that sex tape that made her “famous”… maybe the girl is honestly a few crayons short of the full box. 

I don’t even like Kris Humphries.  Everything about the guy screams, “Idiot!”  But he didn’t deserve to be chewed up and spit out the way he was.  Has Kim given a single reason why she duped – oops, I meant dumped – the guy?  No.  That’s because she found a guy with some money, but not too much money, who was dumb enough to start following her around and she ran with the opportunity until one day, when she woke up with the guy still in her face, she realized she took the whole game too far for even her own liking.  That’s not a reason.  That’s a game she had no right to play. 

So let me ask again, is there anyone who isn’t sick of this pseudo-celebrity?  What are you thinking every single time you see her smoky eyes, little black dresses and red-heeled stilettos?  I’m thinking, I wish all that eye makeup was toxic, just this once. 

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