Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WAYT: She's a fighter, we already know that

I had a thought this weekend and wanted to share it with you, my readers, to see what you think.  Do you believe that some entertainers have crossed over into a parody of themselves?  The example I came up with this weekend was actor Johnny Depp.  He used to be enigmatic, in all kinds of movie roles that kept you guessing.  Now, suddenly, he’s in almost exclusively Tim Burton films, he’s typically over-costumed and generally weird.  What’s up with that? 

I wonder about Christina Aguilera.  I was all set to write a stinging defense of her because I love her fiercely.  Maybe I still will.  Let’s talk through this.

I am obsessed with The Voice.  I had never watched it before this season but compared to American Idol, The Voice is leaps and bounds ahead of other reality TV singing competitions.  The contestants get to sing whatever they want so that they can repeatedly blow us away (no silly theme nights) and Carson Daly is so enthusiastic, you’d think it was his kids performing up there, and the coaches have such interesting banter that they’re a show all their own. 

Anyway, I grew up with Christina so my fondness for her was part of what brought me to the The Voice.  I remember my friends and me, before we were licensed and had nothing better to do, would call in to the radio station to request “Genie in a Bottle” over and over again.  I have owned all of her CDs since then.  She did innocent, bridged over into edgy, got a little skanky but cleaned it all up with that 1920’s pin-up album.  I don’t care what anyone says because, bottom line, you cannot deny her voice.  Truly, there’s no one better. 

Of course no one likes that she’s put on weight.  It really wouldn’t be such an issue for the public if she wasn’t still wearing the same clothes she wore when she was thinner.  For her performance last night on The Voice, for example, she could have worn actual shorts rather than glorified underwear, or even pants.  But no, she still wore the little tiny hot pants.  I thought she looked uncomfortable.  And she’s always SO made up.  Kudos for going glam but sometimes she needs to ask her makeup people to use a lighter hand!

You can’t fault the girl for having limitless self-esteem and self-assurance.  She knows that her voice is undeniable.  The rest should not matter.  And I would bet that’s her self-affirmation, every day when she looks in the mirror.  Cake on the makeup, shorten the shorts, who cares.  She can sing like no one else. 

But is Christina a parody of herself, clinging to this former notion of herself as a tiny, tiny person who can wear basically nothing?  Shouldn’t her style evolve?  She’s a mother, she’s divorced now.  Maybe her image should do a little growing up.  Is she a parody of herself, trying to go back to strictly pop albums as she did with her recent flop just before she started The Voice?  Should she do something more impactful?  Maybe she shouldn’t joke with Blake Shelton and his contestant Raelynn; maybe Christina should try a country album.  “Crossover” albums are all the rage these days!

Britney Spears fell right into the parody trap.  She kept on going, with her recording-studio-engineered voice and provocative pop performances in no clothes, and eventually, it all came crashing down on her.  She’s made a comeback of sorts, but it’s never going to succeed as long as she keeps trotting out the same old thing.  At some point, you have to try something different, do something that catches everyone’s attention once again.  And it’s not making out with Madonna on the VMAs.  That’s over.

And maybe no one likes Christina because she’s not afraid to give criticism on The Voice.  She’s not Paula Abdul or Jennifer Lopez, determined to be sunny no matter how bad the performance.  Sometimes she hesitates or rambles on before she gets down to brass tacks, but eventually she says exactly what she thinks.  Christina’s not afraid to give her genuine opinion without sugar-coating the truth.  Most people can’t handle a woman who tells it like it is; believe me, I would know. 

I think that Christina will find commercial success again.  I can’t wait to hear her next album.  When, WHEN will it be released finally??  But what do you think about Christina?  Do you think she’s a gorgeous face, a misguided wardrobe but a beautiful voice?  Do you think she’s skanky and you don’t care about anything else? 

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