Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WAYT: Walk a mile in those shoes

I’m going to give you a scenario.  You are a police officer.  You receive a call in your squad car stating that gunshots were fired, you are needed on the scene.  When you arrive, you see with your two eyes that a young man is lying immobile on the ground and an older man is standing by, waiting for you to take action. 

What do you think the police should do in this situation? 

Should you, the police officer, stand with the shooter by the side of the road, get his account, and then let him walk away?  Or should you ask the man to please come back with you to the station so that you can fully hear his version of events? 

By now I’m sure you know that I’m talking about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.  The man who shot him, George Zimmerman, as far as I can tell, has not been inside his local police precinct to discuss the night that he shot Trayvon Martin. 

Why wasn’t he at least been brought in for questioning?

It is not okay with me, as a citizen of the United States, to know that someone could walk up to me, shoot me, claim self-defense and then be allowed to walk away.  It is not okay with me for George Zimmerman to fatally shoot Trayvon Martin and have not undergone a rigorous police questioning. 

Maybe I watch too much Law and Order.  And I have different rights and laws surrounding me as a citizen of Illinois than does George Zimmerman as a citizen of Florida.  He was licensed to carry a handgun and he is afforded the right to “stand his ground” under Florida law.  I may disagree with every single part of that last sentence but that is completely beside the point because the law is the law. 

But I beg you, please, set these particulars aside.  Allow yourself one minute to fully picture the scene on that street in that Florida neighborhood that night.  George Zimmerman stands his ground and as a result a young man bleeds to death, killed by George’s actions.  George Zimmerman answers a few questions from police and walks away into the night while Trayvon Martin's body is taken away to the morgue. 

Maybe George Zimmerman did the right thing to intervene that night.  But did he do the right thing to shoot Trayvon?  If he had somehow detained Trayvon, would we have found out that Trayvon got the Skittles and iced tea but then was going to break into someone’s house?  Would we have never heard the name Trayvon Martin, if George Zimmerman had listened to the 911 dispatcher who told him not to follow Trayvon?

Whether Trayvon was a future statistic in the well-worn tales of good boys gone bad, we’ll never know.  I do know that Trayvon’s mother will never have a “normal” life again.  Her baby, her son who was precious to her no matter how he could have turned out, is gone forever.  Everything about Trayvon, her past marriage, her current life – all of it now belongs to us.  She is in the spotlight and we may never forget her.  I pray that we never forget Trayvon. 

But more than anything, I pray that we let the race debate fall to the side here.  Maybe the shooting was racially motivated.  Maybe George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon as up to no good because he had his hood up – as he walked home in the rain.  But maybe George was just calling it how he saw it, because maybe George also watched too much Law and Order.  Maybe George was hyper-concerned about his community and couldn’t allow anyone to look suspicious on the streets where he kept his home – the one place in the world where he felt entitled to safety and security. 

All I want everyone to do is put themselves on that street in Florida, that sad night.  Tell me what you think is right.  What should have happened between George and Trayvon, George and the police, the community and George and Trayvon and the police? 

Looking back on it, it sure seems like it was ALL WRONG to me.  My heart aches over all of this.

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